News & Announcements

Parent-Teacher Meeting: A Key to Student Success

In pursuit of nurturing the holistic development of our students, our college orchestrated a remarkable Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM) on Saturday, November 4, 2023. 
CA Subhash Aggarwal, the College Director and Secretary, emphasized the pivotal role PTMs play in guiding both our institution and our students towards a brighter future. Our college understands the importance of fostering a strong and collaborative relationship between teachers and parents, working hand in hand to ensure the all-round development of our students. 
Dr. Ravi Sharma, the Principal of the College, emphasized the significant role of PTMs in shaping a student's personality and future. These meetings not only keep parents informed about their child's progress but also actively seek their invaluable suggestions for the ongoing development of an institute.
Dr. Mitesh Juneja, the College Proctor, provided insight into the breadth of participation at the PTM, with parents of students from second and third-year classes in BA, B.Sc. (Bio. and Maths), BCA, B. Com, and B.B.A. programs actively involved. The event served as a platform to enlighten parents about the various facilities and resources our college offers to students.